Thursday, January 14, 2010


in an attempt to explain what "weak-kneed" or "faint-hearted" means, i shared about my experience at the dentist and how i started crying because it was so painful.
student's question: is it when you are young that time?
my response: (woefully) no....its not...its just 2 days ago...

the statue of liberty - part 2

lesson plan: New York City
topic of discussion: the Statue of Liberty
student's question: is it as tall as me?
my response:NOOOOOOOOOO!

the statue of liberty

lesson plan: New York City
topic of discussion: the Statue of Liberty
student's question: is he holding an ice cream?
my response:NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

you smell....

G: did u bath today?
Z: (hesitating) yes...?
G: you smell like hot towels from the aeroplane. (thinks) can i pluck a hair from you to smell?
me: (listening,secretly LAUGHING OUT LOUD in my heart!)

eyes on the paper

me: are your eyes on the paper?
D: (sticks his eyes to the page) yes ms lin! MY EYES ARE REALLY ON THE PAPER!

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